Addie Lea Clarke Etheredge, 98, passed away November 30, 2019 in Greenville Texas.
Addie Lea Clarke was born July 2, 1921 to Mary Etta (Green) Clarke and Charles (Charlie) Andrew Clarke in Dawson, Texas. The Clarke family, including a son, Thurman, relocated to Lubbock, Texas. As a teen, Addie was smart, talented and driven; she worked at the drug store, played piano and “majored” in Spanish. After graduating early from Lubbock High School, she studied typing and bookkeeping at Draughon’s Business College.
When she wasn’t working or driving her friends all over town, Addie played piano at the Central Baptist Church in Lubbock. There she met Charles Gordon Etheredge, who was on leave from Army training; they were married on October 22, 1942. The young couple lived in Dalhart, where he was stationed, at first renting a room with kitchen privileges from the Dallam County Judge. While Gordon was overseas, Addie worked in the ration office on base until she moved back to Lubbock to have her son, Charles Gordon, Jr. and later, daughter Mary Ann.
Gordon’s work took the Etheredge family all over the United States including Abilene, Del Rio, Oklahoma City, Roswell, Greenville, and Garland. During this time, they enjoyed traveling, especially on family road trips with the Etheredge siblings and their families. When she could, Addie continued to work as a secretary/bookkeeper.
The Etheredges retired to a lovely home on Lake Tawakoni and Addie went to work at E-Systems. When not working or looking after her parents, Addie volunteered at the Greenville hospital as a Pink Lady; she racked up an impressive XXX hours of volunteer time. Addie enjoyed knitting, sewing, and crafts. The Etheredges were active members of the Greenville Antique Car Club and the Graham Owners Club International, traveling all over Texas, U.S. and Canada to attend meets and visit with good friends. They also enjoyed reunions with surviving members of the 305th Airdrome Squadron. The Etheredges were members of Highland Terrace Baptist Church in Greenville.
In more recent years, the Etheredges lived in Greenville where they valued the company of family and friends.
Mrs. Etheredge is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Mary Ann and Bick Asberry of Rockwall; granddaughter Christine Asberry Milazzo and her husband John of Richardson; granddaughter Janet Asberry and her fiancé Eric Johnson of Dallas; great-grandchildren, Aria, Jason, and Allen. She also leaves behind many much-loved Etheredge and Clarke cousins, nieces and nephews and many friends that she held very dear.
A funeral service will be held Thursday, December 5, 2019 at Peters Funeral Home, Greenville Texas. Visitation is at 10 am, the memorial service will be at 11 am and a graveside service will follow at Brigham Cemetery, Campbell, Texas.