Downtown Greenville will once again honor St. Patrick in downtown Greenville on Saturday, March 14,
beginning at 1pm with a parade built just for pedestrians. The committee is looking for others to assist
them with invitations to attend or watch the parade. The All Pats’ St. Patrick’s Pedestrian Parade is
where the parade guests of honor are people named Pat, Patrick, Patty or Patricia. Their friends and
relatives are also invited to walk or watch, as well as people who have birthdays in March. As a matter of
fact, anyone wanting to walk in the parade along with the guests of honor are welcome. All that is
needed is fun green St. Patrick style attire.
The parade route itself has been expanded this year and will take place on the sidewalks with a longer
trip around Lee Street and the courthouse. Katy Ridge, owner of Cornerstone Insurance, will be the
Grand Marshal and will carry an original custom glass scepter made by local artist Monica Lubiani of
Lubiani Studios. She is the artist that made the glass scepter carried in the first parade last year and has
agreed to make an original scepter for each year going forward.
The walkers in the parade will gather by 12:45pm near Los Quates Mexican Restaurant at 2919 Lee
Street. At 1pm, the parade will progress by the new Empty Glass Saloon and continue on the north
sidewalk on Lee Street to the corner of St. John. The pedestrians will then cross the street to the south
sidewalk on Lee and pass by Jesse’s Girl to the corner of the square. The route will then turn right on
stonewall, left on Washington, left on Johnson in front of Armstrong Appliance and on to Mac’s
American Grille. The route then turns right on the south side of the sidewalk on Lee and will head to
Ain’t just Pie, cross the street over to Crawford Smith Inc. and the walkers will progress west on Lee to
the Landon Winery patio. A costume contest and group photo will transpire on the courthouse steps at
the completion of the parade.
Surrounding communities far and wide are encouraged to come early for lunch and stay after the
parade. A treasure hunt will take place after the parade with registration on the patio of Landon Winery
until 2pm. Teams of 4 will be working on Greenville and St. Patrick’s Day Trivia while solving puzzles that
direct them to select Greenville merchants. Once at the merchants’ location, if they have correctly
solved the puzzle, they will get a letter. Combine all of the letters correctly, and discover where the
treasure is! In case of a tie, the team with the most correct trivia answers win a chest of Downtown
merchant treasures. Restaurants and shops will be open and participating restaurants will have green
Those wanting more information may email Kevin Banks at [email protected], Byron Taylor at
byron@greenvillechamber, or call the Chamber at 903-455-1510.
All Pats’ Day Parade Celebration