A company that uses cellphones to track people movement has graded the entire United States’ based on their Social Distancing practices.

Unacast gathers user indefinable cellphone tracking data from its partners to track trends to share movement info with its customers. Using this data they’ve been able calculate how much people move around in a given area. Over time they have calculated changes in travel behavior. They believe this data can be used to estimate the spread of the COVID – 19. Their website shows a map allowing people to narrow their search down to the county level.

Social distancing can be used to help hamper the spread of the disease. The more we travel, the more we spread the disease. This can mean that if we are traveling more today than yesterday our chances of contracting or transmitting the disease greatly increase.

So how good are we doing? Not so hot I am sorry to report… Looking at the data provided on the map provided by Unacast Hunt county has been rated an ‘F’. With a change in average travel distance of -7%. Texas as a whole has been rated a ‘C’ which is on par with the average of the whole of the United States.

There are not a significant number of cases of the virus reported in Hunt County. However if we’re not doing more to curtail the amount of moving around, we bring more and more danger into our county.