Greenville, Texas- Young “Superheroes” gathered at the Reecy Davis Center Thursday evening for the 2nd Annual Celebration. The event was sponsored by the Boys & Girls Clubs of Northeast Texas.
Youth of the Year has been the premier recognition program that celebrates extraordinary achievements of club members since 1947. Leadership, service, academic excellence, and healthy lifestyles embody the nominees. The Hunt County nominee will compete with regional and state contenders. The national winner will represent 4-million Boys and Girls Club members.
The Junior Youth of the Year Candidates are Tate Jones from the Commerce, Texas elementary site, Austin Cook is from the A. C. Williams elementary site, and Selena Hermosillo is from the Commerce Middle School. Noah Vega represents the Kava Kids in Greenville and Jocelyn Garcia represents the Reecy Davis Center. Aundrea Polson is from Rockwall. Henry Lopez is the Youth of the Year Candidate in the age 14 plus division. The winner here will journey to Austin in March.