The Hunt County Republican Party was the host of Candidate Forums held Thursday evening at the Greenville High School auditorium. The auditorium was filled with primary voters wanting to compare the candidates with one another and see them side by side “warts and all”. Three candidates for county commissioner in Precinct One, two in Precinct Three, two Hunt County judges, and three running for state representative from District Two were on stage.
Greenville native and rancher Mark Hutchens, current commissioner Eric Evans, and Celeste homeowner Dan Dalton are vying for the nomination to County Commissioner in Precinct One on election day, March 3rd. Hunt County native Jay Atkins and Interim Judge Bobby Stovall are running for the former seat held by Judge John Horn. Current representative Dan Flynn of Van is being challenged by Dwayne Collins of Edom and Bryan Slaton of Sulphur Springs.
While Friendlee News does not endorse any particular candidate or political party, we do urge all eligible voters to go to the polls on Tuesday, March 3rd and cast your vote for the candidate best able to fulfill his or her campaign promises.