Several exceptional and caring individuals from Redeemer Lutheran Church in Greenville under the direction of Pastor Bill Hunt formed a small food pantry for a few families in 1978. Three years later, members of Grace Presbyterian joined to expand the pantry. They gave the organization the name FISH in commemoration of Jesus’ miracle of feeding 5,000 with just a few fishes and loaves of bread. Soon other churches and organizations joined in the effort and the mission grew as the larger need in the community was recognized.
Forty years later, the mission has not changed but has grown and evolved into a true partnership between community, business, non-profits, churches, foundations, and social service agencies to not only feed the hungry but deal with crisis situations that devastate our most vulnerable. This could be a job loss, medical incapacitation, abuse, death or other family crisis. The organization makes food baskets on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Hunt County Shared Ministries is a safety net for residents of Hunt County.