Greenville, Texas- Texas Fish and Game Department stocked the Graham Park Lake with Rainbow Trout a few days ago in anticipation of the Trout Bout sponsored by Greenville Parks and Recreation. The event started in 35-degree temperature at 8 o’clock Saturday morning. The fish came from the Fisheries Center. More than 200-community lakes are chosen every year for trout stocking. The fish will not live long once the water warms up so get out there and catch your share of trout this week. The bag limit is five fish. The special event did not require a fishing license. The event has two divisions; one for youth and the other for adults. The heaviest fish won a prize.
- 3-5 Years of Age
- 6-8
- 9-12
- And finally, 13-17 Years of Age
The Adult Division is divided into three flights
- 18-29 Years of Age
- 30-59
- And Seniors at 60+ Years of Age
You will need a fishing license after Saturday, March 15th if you decide to fish in Graham Park Lake.